Hola Hola!!! This week has been absolutely incredible!! So much has happened! I don´t even know where to start. Well I guess I could start off by saying... Go Cougs!!! Thats so awesome! Congrats Unkle John!! She is one lucky girl. Gotta love church basketball!... Now back to Chile. The first week of the change is officially over! I don´t really know where that time has gone but its all good.
So this week was a special one in the branch of La Ligua. President Gillespie traveled to La Ligua this week for sacrament meeting along with an area president. During sacrament meeting, they released the branch president Ahumada, and called hermano Palominos. He is so awesome and I am so excited to work with him. Hermano Palominos and his family is the same family that invited us over for Christmas, to call our families in their house, drive us everywhere in their little truck, and accompany us with appointments. They are a great family.
This last wednesday, after having rejected by all of our other appointments, we went to go give tours of the church. Stand outside the fence that encircles it and contact people to see if they would like to recieve a tour. It seems like after every hard day, where we recieve rejection, its super hot, we are super tired, something good always seems to happen. "through much sacrifice comes the blessings." What happened next truly was a blessing. We saw this lady walking down the street with her two little daughters. One was 11 the other 5. The five year old had a white face mask on and had short hair. The mom´s name is Jessica, and the two daughters are Dafne (11) and Scarlet (5). As we were getting to know them a little more, we came to find out that Scarlet, this precious little girl, has the fatal cancer of Leukemia (Blood cancer). She has been given by the doctors a life expectancy of 2 years. What a heart breaking situation. Well we gave them a tour of the church. Upstairs, in the chapel, I played and sang a song for them to bring the spirit. During the song, the spirit touched their hearts and started to cry. As I played the last note of the song, litterally the last note, suddenly the walls and floor and everything in the room started to shake. Yep you guessed it... Earthquake! It was a nice little earthquake 5.6. Perfect timing! And it didn´t help that we were upstairs either. Here we were all calm and tranquil, then BOOM, an earthquake. What a great way to kick the spirit right out of the room. haha. They gave us their address which is right next to the little airport (more like one runway for little planes), and were super interested for us to pass by their house.
The next day, we had an appointment to go visit Jessica and her family. It was a nice little trec to her house, (she lives kinda far away.) We got lost for a little while but in due time found our way. She litterally lives right next to the airplane runway. It is the only house within a mile away. As we approached the house, there was a huge Rottweiller dog that wanted to kill us haha. We kept our distance, found our way around, knocked on the door, and they saved us from their ferocious dog, (It has bitten lots of people). Anyways, they were super happy to see us, they invited us right in and we got to know them a little more. The spirit led us to share a certain scripture with them in Mosiah 2:41, which talks about obedience. It was a great lesson, they were all super involved, learned a lot and there is a great feeling of confidence and friendship with this family. We asked them if they had any questions. -What happened next has changed my life.- Scarlet timidly raised her hand because she had a question. She is very polite and a little timid. She lowered her white little face mask so she could talk. She then asked the question in her light, angelic, innocent voice... "If I obey, will I be happy when I go to heaven?" Tears filled my eyes. I did not know what to say. This precious little angel, full of life, happy, innocent, full of dreams does not have too much longer to live. Her question litterally touched my heart. I responded to her, "Yes Scarlet, you will be happy in heaven." The faith of a child. My joy is that we will help this family understand the plan of Salvation that our heavenly father has for each and every one of us. We will give them the opportunity to be able to live with their family forever. This knowlege make these tough situations not so hard to deal with. After having experience this, I was emotional the rest of the day. I can not erase the tender voice of Scarlet from my mind. My mind is now more set on the eternal perspective. Jessica and her family all need your prayers.
This last Saturday, the branch along with our new recent converts Camila, Matias, and Constanza were all able to travel down to Santiago to go to the Temple! We are so blessed in Utah to have a handfull of temples within an hour of our house. haha It really is a big sacrifice for these people to attend the temple. But anyways, it was an incredible experience. It was my first time in spanish which was cool. I just love the temple so much! I loved being able to remember all the great blessings we have through the temple. A nice little refresher, now i´m set for a while! Animated and good to go! It was great to be able to see Camila, Matias and Constanza at the temple. What a great blessing.
Well I love you all so much and pray for you every day of my life!
Elder Millard