Hola Hola!! As I write this letter, I am totally shivering because it is getting super cold here!! Gotta love it! My fingers are super cold, so I will try to type as fast as I can. The office called me and told me a little bit about the situataion with RJ. He has been in every single one of my prayers, and will continue to be. I know he will pull through, I have faith! Keep me updated. Sheri, congrats on your Senior Prom!!! You are just getting so old! ha. I hope Dad and the brothers in law gave Rob a sufficient scare before he took you out. Lots has happened this week in my life as a missionary: I met my new comp, My child (mi hijito); Primary activity; Situation with Scarlet; Tour experience. Lets get started!
On tuesday, Elder Huamán and I woke up before the break of dawn, at 5:30, to travel down to Viña del Mar. Arriving at the office of the mission, we said our goodbyes, and he was off to his new area Placilla. I then recieved a little capacitation for my new training assingnment. At about 5 o clock, we went to the mission house where all the news just got done with all their capacitations and eating... President told us who our new comps were going to be, then we all went outside, formed a line, and walked to the back yard where our greenies were waiting for us. It was at this moment where we began to sing the mission song with tons of enthusiasm. I could not believe that I am now on the other side of things. It seems like yesterday that i was watching our trainers sing the mission song to us! I thought the day would never come, and now here it is!! My companions name is Elder Colman from Argentina. Hearing his name, I thought he would be a Gringo, but yeah, he´s from Argentina. He is so awesome! He is very humble, which is what I was hoping for, and is super ready to learn and work! I´m really excited to work with him! My goal is to teach him by example. Always be happy and animated, show him how to work hard, work efficiently, be obedient, and teach him what a companionship is (a council). This will be a great change. It will be hard, I will be stretched, but I thank the lord for this opportunity that he has given me to learn, progress, and bless someones life. I hope I can change his life in a good way.
We had a stellar activity with the primary this week! They put on a show, acting the coming of our savior Jesus Christ to the Americas. All of the little childer had their costumes and everything. Guess who they asked to be Jesus?... Yep you guessed it, the tall white gringo. haha. They acted, and showed the movie the Testaments at the same time. During the earthquake, they were all falling everywhere, it was pretty funny. When it was time for the savior to come, I walked out on center stage, took a couple of steps down, and had my hands out to the side. All of the children came to me and touched my hands. It was cool being in the shoes of Christ, to see and feel a glymps of what he saw and felt. The show was a success!
Two days ago, on Saturday, Scarlet was walking around in La Ligua with her family. Then suddenly, she started to have Seizures and became super sick! She was rushed to the hospital, and is still there. I don´t know too much about the situation, but what I know is that Scarlet and her family need your prayers.
One morning, Elder Colman and I had planned to do tours of the church. So we got there, and they were painting and fixing the doors! But that did not stop us, we used the upstairs door on the other side. So, the norm with doing tours of the church is that one in about 50 contact will enter to do a tour with us. The miracle is that the first person that we talked to accepted a tour. The tour was great, she lives in Valparaiso, so we will be giving them a reference. We then go out to the gate to invite more people to do tours with us. The second miracle is that again, the first person that we talked to wanted to do a tour with us. This experience was very special. At the end of the tour, I played the piano and sang "I am a child of God." When the song was over, we asked her how she felt. Her response streangthened my faith. She said, "I have never felt like this before. I have entered in many churches in my lifetime, and none of them have made me feel like this. I feel so much peace and joy, it reaches to the depths of my heart." She was emotional. After this spiritual experience, she was very interested in us visiting her family.
Its mothers day this week!!! I´m super excited to talk to all of you!!!!
Well, that will be all for this week! I love you all and pray for you every day! The church is true!!
Chao! Que les vaya muy bien!
Elder Millard
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