Hola Hola!!! Como están! I really don´t know where this week went! Its basically all a blur. All I can say is that I am loving my time here in La Ligua. The weather is changing a little bit, its finally starting to cool down. I have never eaten so much fruit in my entire life. haha. I´m also eating tons of fruit that I have never seen before. Thanks so much for all the support and all the letters! They really do make my day every time! Its so great to hear that all is well back at home! Oh... and GO COUGS!! Thats legit! (Dad, would you be so kind as to tape all these games for me...) haha. Good luck Sherbith on Jr. Miss! I know you will do great! Its crazy, all my cousins are leaving on missions! They are all in for an incredible experience.
So this week was a great one, just like every other week! haha. I had a great experience going on an interchange with Elder Jaquier from France. He is our zone leader and is so tight! He used to have huge dread locks like Bob Marley before the mission and was in a hit band. We had a lot to talk about with the whole music deal. I also learned a lot about france and their culture.
We had a family night with the family of Hermana Salina. This Family night, or ´´Noche de Hogar´´ was a little bit different because afterwards, they totally busted out a barbie car with (Ken), barbie and a little baby barby. They get a kick out of my name being Ken, haha. They could not stop laughing for minutes! It was actually really funny.
The familia San Martín got back from their vacations! They are still super excited for their baptism. Its so great, the young mens and young womens program is helping us out so much with them. They invite them to all the activities and are making great friends with all the members.
Vanesa had something tragic happen to her. She ate some bad Mariscos and was hospitalized. Well we found out this week that she has to travel back to Argentina to operate on this problem that she has. We do not know how long she will be gone, but its sad that we will not be able to teach her for a while.
We had a great experience with Ingrid this week. She said from the start that she did not want to change religion at all! She would listen but would not be baptized again and change religion. But this week, we stopped by her house with a couple of members, and she walked out with a sad face. She let us in but said that she did not want to hear anything about the church. She was angry with God due to something that happened with her partner. We sang some hymns, and made her feel good. Later, we got her laughing to cheer her up a little bit. We set the mood then sneeked the topic of church into the conversation. The members that were with us bore their testimonies of why they were baptized and why they go to church. The spirit was so strong!! After being touched by the spirit, she accepted to come to church with us.
I had quite the experience this week for lunch. The hermana came out with a plate that acutally looked really good! It was meat, (so i thought), with potatoes. The first bite I took of the ´´meat´´, I realized that this was not any oordinary meat. It was a super wierd tecture and the taste was horrible! I obviously complemented the hermana of how delicious the food was, but in my mind/mouth I was dying! I looked on the table for something that could cover the taste a little bit, and to my rescue, I saw ketchup. Lets just say that i ate more ketchup than this meat. There was a mountain of ketchup on top. I come to find out that the meat suprise was Liver!! Gross! haha
Well I love you all so much and pray for you every day!
Cuidense! Chao!!
Elder Millard