Hola!! This week has gone by way too fast!! My new comp Elder Huaman is such a stud!! We are getting along great and the work is coming along extremely well. This week was amazing. Its extremely hot, a little windy, lots of sun block, lots of walking, lots of lessons, lots of fun.
So this week we had a great experience with the Familia San MartÃn. As you all may know, the mom is a less active member. She grew up in the church and everything but for some reason, went innactive. Ever since we have started teaching them, the mom has just been telling the kids to go to church. She wants the kids to go to church because it was a blessing for her growing up. She knows that the gospel keeps the kids away from drugs, alchohol,etc... Anyways, Elder Huaman and I realized this, that we need to reactivate the mom and all the kids will be able to follow due to her example. As we were walking back to the pension, a scripture John 5:19 popped into my head which states: ´´Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.¨ I have no doubt that this was an impression from the spirit. My faith was reinforced when the next day we gave the lesson on how to be an example, using this scripture. She felt the spirit, she recieved personal inspiration on the things that she needs to change in her life. She later expressed to us openly that this is exactly what she needed to hear. She now has firm desires to change and come back to the church. You better believe that she was there at church this sunday with her whole family. The kids are all preparing to be baptized the 11th of March.
We had another great experience this week that reaffirmed the presence of the Holy Ghost in our lessons. We were teaching one of our investigators named Vanesa from Argentina. She has a baptisimal date for the 26th of Feb. This last sunday they blessed her baby in church; it was incredible. Anyways, the great experience happened yesterday after church in a lesson. We taught her about hope and the atonement. When we were done teaching, she was basically in tears. She sincerely expressed to us ´´Elders, I don´t know how you do it, but whenever you speak, you always say the exact words that I need to hear.¨
My comp told me the story of his conversion. It really is such a great story. So Elder Huaman when he was 7 years old lost his Mom and his dad left him. He had nobody except his grandma but his grandma could not take him so he lived in his school. His life was school. He was a little genious. He studied around 10 hours a day not including the school hours that he attended. The only way he could survive was if he got high enough grades to recieve scholarships to be able to study for free. He accomplished it. he entered into the University of Mechanical Engineering of Peru at the age of 14. He graduated with honors at the age of 19. He soon became a boss of a company that has to do with engineering. The story goes as follows: Elder Huaman had quite a few employees and he calculated that if he required all of them to work on Sunday, he would earn more money. All of his employees were fine with it except one. This one lady named Romina said that she would not work on Sunday. Romina was a little bit different. She was very organized, very smart, very effective and efficient. Basically one of the best employees he had. Elder Huaman asked an interview with her to find out why she could not work on sunday. After talking for a while, she was allowed an hour and a half every sunday morning. A few months passed and he saw that on sunday, Romina always showed up at work dressed nicer than normal with makeup and all. One day he decided to follow her to figure out what she did on Sundays. Romina got in the taxi and Elder Huaman followed them in his car. They stopped at the church and he said, hmm... maybe there is something to this. He went into the church and that day, the talks were about eternal families. This touched his heart that families could be eternal, that one day he could see his mom again. He left having had a spiritual experience. The next day at work, Elder Huaman stared asking Romina questions about the church. She gave him a Book of Mormon and told him to read it all and to pray to God if it was true. He read the book in a matter of 2 weeks. He prayed and felt its true. He had learned about the temples and learned that its through them that we can be married and sealed for Eternity. He asked, what do i need to do to be able to enter the temple. Romina replied, you need to accept the missionaries and be baptized. He did exactly that. At the age of 20, he was baptized. a year and a half later, he made the decision to leave his life, his business... to be able to serve a mission. Its incredible to think that after only being a member for a year and a half, Elder Huaman is out here as my companion. Just think, this all started from this lady, Romina, being an example and keeping the commandments. Look at the power of being an example of obedience. I loved this story.
Its grape season now and I have been eating bushells of them. They are super cheap! Its about 1 dollar for over 2 pounds of grapes.E Elder Huaman and I are working great together. We are becoming great friends and life is just great! I love my mission.
Les amo mucho, Chao!
Elder Millard
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